Sunday, January 3, 2010

A fitting end of an age

An end.
A beginning.
Often I fear,
romantic interludes.
The potentials.
The constraints.
IDealized expectations.
This girls comes with a lot.
Not sure how much I want.
I do like the packaging.
A new king sized playground.
A momentous win.
Vandal spirit.
Like the time under the I tower.
Minus the snow.
Add attraction.
There were plans.
NYE with her.
Long overdue slumber party.
Motherly duties.
Outshine parties.
NO midnight kiss.
With her at least ;)
Rallied with a seldom seen friend.
Explored new parts of this fair city.
Saw the space needle from a roof,
full of amorous,
happy people.
A couple drinks,
more herbal.
A mellow night.
Alone besides my bedhog bitch.
In a bed still to small for her.
The new year.
Try to recall 99 NYE.
A lame GHS party.
Where I actually cared
about kissing at midnight.
It probably took a lot
of courage.
Now I have an angel.
Go for a nice stroll.
Recognize the tendancies of age.
Biked DT to escape.
Up in the Air
A man on the go.
Life lived out of a suitcase.
One night stands.
NUmerous connections.
Zero obligations.
A chance encounter turns for he better.
Something to pursue.
To eventual lies and hurt.
A goal reached.
Sad reality.
The Road
Distopian father and son journey.
Scene after scene-
Tough decisions,
based on the truest love.
A reason I fear a little me.
I will have to live on.
How would I fare.
With She Ra?
Who would I need?
To keep me from eating a bullet.
How hard would you fight?
With no one watching?
A wet ride back.
Better than blasted wastelands.
Back to the girl.
Do I want her.
On my arm?
my D?
Does she want me?
Or am I just a free ride?
Not allowing myself to bankroll
her past indiscretions.
Her gulibity.
Love[?] will do funny things
to logic.
Is taking is low good now?
Easing into things.
Like the frog in the pot?
Will it boil me.
Or will I have a pleasant bath.
Salts and scrubs.
I can see a happpy future.
The motherly instinct is sexier
than her banging legs.
Will she stay while I go.
Both would have to come...
The people weighing me down.
Or keeping me grounded?
The rest of the weekend
a blur of senseless anger,
mind-numbing work.
Now I write.
Plan a romantic dinner.
Long for sleep.
Knowing I need to motivate.

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